what people are saying
"Timmy Williamson is one of the most talented young men to ever come out of Liberty University. Not only is he a gifted actor, but he is blessed with a beautiful baritone voice. He can sing most anything, but Southern Gospel is his first love. In addition, he has a passion for the Lord that is undeniable and a welcoming personality that is sure to bless your congregation. I would highly recommend you use him for your church event.”
Charles Billingsley
Teaching Pastor - Thomas Road Baptist Church
Christian Recording Artist
"Timmy Williamson is a wonderful singer with a great heart for God. His talents will inspire you and his words will lead you to a closer relationship with God. I recommend him to you wholeheartedly, and I hope that you will find a way to hear him, and experience the voice of God speaking to you through the ministry of Timmy Williamson."
Don Marsh
Retired Associate Professor of Commercial Music
Liberty University
"God has gifted Timmy in an unusual way. He combines quality of music with a contemporary/traditional flavor that communicates in a warm and dynamic blend. Added to this mix is a genuineness and humility that imbeds the message of God’s glory deep in the heart and inspires the hearer to worship and commitment. His gentle but forceful spirit is contagious."
Hap Struthers
Founder of Faith Bible College
Previous Professor at Columbia Bible College (Columbia International University)
"It is with great pleasure that I recommend Timmy Williamson. We were fortunate enough to have him lead our women's bible study on several occasions and each time he did a wonderful job. His gift is his voice and also his obvious love of The Lord. This is revealed in the way he engages the audience and in the way he incorporates prayer throughout. His ministry has blessed the 80 plus women each time he has lead our group in worship. He planned well to find just the right songs to sing and also shared a beautiful song that he had written. He is a joy and a treasure, and we welcome him back to lead us again anytime he is available."
Mindy Raffi
W2G Women's Bible Study Leader
Grace Bible Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia